Language Development
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Phonology Assistant

Following initial research into the phonetic sounds present in a language, research is needed to determine how these sounds occur, in order to develop a writing system that is as simple as possible to read and write. Phonology Assistant takes phonetic data that has been collected from speakers of a language and charts the sounds, helping the user to discover patterns and rules that govern the sounds of the language.

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It is very helpful to add multiple databases for one analysis view. That is I can have multiple databases from which Phonology Assistant reads whether they be FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) or ToolBox or some other type. For other reasons, I maintain two separate FLEx databases on one language.

Phonology Assistant user

Additional Description

Tone Analysis

Phonology Assistant can sort lexical items by tone melody and look at tone over an phrasal utterance.

Feature Analysis

The participatory approach gets immediately at conscious native speaker distinctive categories, and the phonetics thereof. As a follow-up, Phonology Assistant is a great support for charting and searching.

Onset, Coda, and Rhyme

Distribution Charts provide a quick summary of Onset, Coda, and Rhyme occurrences and so much more.