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Lilt is the leading AI solution for translation at scale, helping faith-based organizations around the world reach their multilingual community and power mission movements. With Lilt, skilled translators in your organization can translate directly in our CAT tool or other content creators on your team can request translations from Lilt’s faith-based translator community directly in your existing systems.

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I would like to express my thanks to the Lilt team for their work in Khmer. [Lilt provided] an excellent translation. I believe that this will help many Cambodian Christians to get to know the Bible.

User of Biblical content localized by Lilt

We love having the option to translate into design format. Our designers already have so much work on their plates. This helps save them time and has made my stress level so much better.

Marketing Leader, Faith-Based Organization

We appreciate how quickly and professionally you’ve delivered the translations so far and your helpful communication. We have had a couple of the scripts reviewed and the feedback is that they were really good quality.

Executive Assistant, Faith-Based Non-Profit

Once again, we are grateful for our partnership with Lilt, the excellent tools that enable us to customize our specific term base .... Thanks for your commitment to excellence.

Head of Technology, Faith-Based Organization

I am reflecting on all God has accomplished through the Finnish project and this team. I also have seen His creativity and passion flowing out of the role each of you have played. Thanks for using your gifts for this project - the impact (in the past, present, and future) is immense to ponder.

Leader, Faith-Based Organization

Your team seems to have a true vested interest in what we are working to accomplish. Although we haven't started a project with Lilt, I still get the feeling that we're 'in this together.'

Leader, Faith-Based Organization

Additional Description

Lilt’s innovative Contextual AI approach with human quality control uniquely enables us to translate complex texts and large-scale projects into multiple languages to support global engagement with your community and ensure increased accessibility, no matter the reader’s native language.

Whether your translators work directly in the Lilt Contextual AI Platform or your team is sending content to our linguists community for translation, Lilt’s innovative approach ensures the highest quality delivered within your team’s timelines and budget. This accuracy and efficiency is made possible by the power of Contextual AI and In-Context Learning.

Working with Lilt, our faith-based partners have experienced 5x increase in translation velocity, 3x increase in the volume of translated content, and up to 40% savings due to leverage.

Our Linguists

Our faith-based linguist teams at Lilt are dedicated to becoming an extension of your team, learning how to best convey your messaging and producing the multilingual content that is a true reflection of your message. Lilt’s faith-based translators are qualified through a holistic look at their background and experience, which includes professional translation experience, self-reported experience in translating religious texts, sermons, and background of being actively involved in their church community, etc.


Lilt natively integrates with the systems where you are creating your content, including CMS platforms, collaboration software, marketing automation products, knowledge bases, TMS platforms, business intelligence tools, and more. Lilt allows your team to avoid manual, time-consuming steps, so they can focus on work for your mission.

Contextual AI Platform

Lilt’s Large Language Models (LLMs) are retrained instantly, learning from linguist feedback in real-time. Translators work at superhuman speeds within the platform with predictive translation suggestions that get smarter, as Lilt’s Contextual AI Engine learns in real-time.